Update 0.7 - Textures & alpha milestone

Welloh there !

This update is kind of a major one for Ploppin'. Over the past several weeks since the last update I've been hard at work to figure how to bring the original concept's to life.

Texture work was kind of a daunting endeavour. At the same time I had few very clear elements in mind of what I wanted to achieve and the concept was only disparate abstract clues of an art style.  It took some experimentation to elaborate some kind of recipe for the textures that ultimately define the look of the game (way more than the meshes). Every objects brought it's own challenge, being small, shiny, matte or animated. Each new constraint was a step to refine the identity of the experience.

It is always soothing to me, to see an idea -years old at this point- finally materialize. With all the hours, bent over the details, the reality of it appears all of a sudden and you can only be surprised yourself.

I think Ploppin' can't be considered a prototype anymore. Considering it now at the alpha stage, it is time to go back to some code and tackle what I'd call the invisible details (more on the in the next devlog).

Enjoy :)


ploppin_v0.7_alpha.zip 100 MB
Jan 26, 2024

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